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I don’t know how I got to be so lucky, but the art of writing has followed me around for quite some time. It’s never felt like a younger sibling tagalong or a heavy weight I had to carry, more like a fairy godmother flicking her wand to make words dance and the world open up before my eyes.

Writing has been right there with me ever since I can remember. So, naturally, when little Canadian me and my family moved to Poland when I was nine, I invited words along too. A European childhood inspired stories that still shape me today.

As I got older, I knew I didn’t want to take my relationship with writing for granted, so I studied words as much as I could. I have a B.A. in Professional Writing from Taylor University in Indiana and an M.A. in Theology, concentration in the Arts, from Regent College in Vancouver, BC.

Now, my fairy godmother has given me the chance to do things like work for a publishing house, be lead writer at a missions organization and communications director for another, and create my own book. The most magical thing of all is getting to work with words for a living.
